This elevator is the elevator in the Forest Lake Shopping Centre. It is one of the few Dover elevators left in Australia.
Basic information[]
- Manufacturer: Dover
- Serial no.:
- Speed:
- Year of construction: 1997 (partially modernised in the mid 2000s)
- Capacity: 952 kg/~2099 lb. (14 persons)
- Drive type: Inground Hydraulic
- Motor:
- Motor Control:
- Selector:
- Controllers:
- Scenic: None
- Phone: Intercom (phone button)
- Status: Partially modernised
- Usage: Passenger
Door specification[]
- Door type: Centre opening
- Exterior door system:
- Inner door system:
- Door safety: Sensors
- Hall station
- Manufacturer/series: Dewhurst
- Button series: US90-15
- Illuminative: Yes
- Separate up/down buttons: No (only serves two floors)
- Floor indicator: None
- Direction indicator: None
- Fixtures original?: No, modernised by Schindler
- Cab Station
- Manufacturer/series: Dover
- Button series: Impulse
- Illuminative: Yes
- Separate control panel for wheelchair: No
- Floor indicator: Yes
- Direction indicator: No
- Fixtures original?: Yes
Floors serving[]
- Floors served: 2
- Floor layout: G, 1
- This, among other Australian Dovers, has a US-style main floor star; this is one of the few elevators in Australia to have this.